Tension wedge or semi wedge a belt
Tension wedge a belt of the 4-cylinder engine
Klinovoj belt of the generator
Klinovoj belt of the pump of the hydraulic booster of the steering mechanism
Details of a pulley of a cranked shaft at models with the 4-cylinder engine and the conditioner
The illustration shows position of installation of the compressor of the conditioner (1) 4-cylinder engines. The 4-cylinder engine has an additional pulley (2) established in front on which there is an adjustment of a tension of a belt. |
Models with 4-cylinder engines
- Klinovoj belt of the generator till September of 91: to weaken tightening a bolt on an adjusting lath of the generator.
- To rotate an adjusting nut being more low with a gear wreath, the correct tension of a belt will not be established yet.
- To tighten tightening a bolt.
- If it is impossible to shift the generator, means, it is necessary to weaken it шарнирный a bolt.
- It becomes accessible in front after removal of a casing of a gear belt.
- If шарнирный the bolt has been weakened, again to tighten it it is necessary in the latest turn.
- Klinovoj belt of the generator after October of 91: to weaken tightening a bolt on скобе generator fastenings.
- To weaken шарнирный a bolt in the bottom part of the generator, to check up легкоходность.
- To tighten the moment 6 Nm and to hold an adjusting nut with a gear wreath with the help накидного a key of 22 mm with динамометрической a head. So the belt tension will be true.
- To tighten a tightening bolt.
- In last turn again to tighten шарнирный a bolt.
- Klinovoj belt for the water pump and the pump of the hydraulic booster of a wheel: to remove the bottom protection of a motor compartment (the head body Elements).
- To weaken tightening a bolt on a lath of fastening of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a wheel.
- To rotate an adjusting nut being more low with a gear wreath until the correct tension of a belt will be established.
- To tighten tightening a bolt.
- If the hydraulic booster pump cannot be shifted, means, it is necessary to weaken it шарнирный a bolt.
- Klinovoj belt of the compressor of the conditioner: adjustment of a tension of a belt occurs by вынимания or additions of adjusting washers between a forward and back half of pulley. The bolshee quantity of adjusting washers between pulley halves means a smaller tension of a belt. The smaller quantity of adjusting washers between pulley halves leads большему to a belt tension.
- It is necessary to put superfluous adjusting washers between a nave and a forward half of a pulley.
- To tighten nuts the moment 25 Nm, watching thus that wedge a belt has not jammed between pulley halves.
- Two times to turn a cranked shaft.
- To check up a belt tension strong pressing of a thumb an empty seat between cranked shaft and the conditioner compressor.
- To get the engine and to allow to it to work a little.
- Again to check up a tension wedge a belt, if necessary to add or clean adjusting washers.
- At a correct tension of a belt to tighten bolts once again the moment 25 Nm.
Models with 5-cylinder engines
Tension wedge a belt of the 5-cylinder engine
Klinovoj belt of the generator
Klinovoj belt of the pump of the hydraulic booster.
- Klinovoj belt of the generator: to weaken tightening a bolt on рейке fastenings.
- To turn the adjusting nut located more low with a gear wreath until the true tension of a belt will be established.
- To tighten tightening a bolt.
- If it is impossible to turn the generator, it is necessary to weaken a little шарнирный a bolt (the bottom fastening of the generator) at the removed bottom protection of a motor compartment.
- Klinovoj belt of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a wheel: to weaken fixing nuts on рейке fastenings and rotary рейке.
- For a belt tension to turn a tension bolt to the left, that is to turn out.
- Again to tighten nuts.
- Klinovoj belt of the compressor of the conditioner: to weaken tightening bolts ahead and behind on an arm of the compressor of the conditioner.
- Arm of the compressor of the conditioner together with the compressor to take away to the right party of the car. If necessary to use the lever from below.
- If a belt tension correct, again to tighten tightening bolts.
Models with 6-cylinder engines
Tension semi wedge a belt at model with the 6-cylinder engine. In drawing the tension roller is fixed with the help шестигранного a punch that gives the chance to turn it накидным a key. In a photo it is visible звездчатый a bolt which for проворачивания the head with approaching накидным a key (2) is put on звездчатая. A pin (1; on an illustration this role is carried out by a punch) is inserted into the aperture provided for this purpose on the tension device thanks to what the tension device is fixed in this position.
- The tension semi wedge a belt is provided with the tension roller loaded with effort of a spring. Regulation is not required.
- If the spring is broken, the belt freely sags over pulleys. In this case it is necessary to replace the tension device.