Audi 80/Avant (B4)

Audi 80/Avant
The description
System of release of the fulfilled gases
- Cooling system
   Check of level of a cooling liquid
   Frost resistance check
   Check of system of cooling on tightness
   Carving cover of a broad tank
   The thermostat
   The list of malfunctions
   The water pump
   Klinovoj belt of the water pump
   The fan of system of cooling
   Malfunctions of the fan of system of cooling
   The list of malfunctions
Fuel tank and the fuel pump
The air filter and intake channels
Injection system
Transmission and transmission
Suspension bracket and steering
Brake system
Antiblocking system of brakes
Wheels and tyres
body electrosystem
Ignition system
Signalling devices
Devices and auxiliary devices
Heating and ventilation
Body elements
Search of malfunctions

Check of level of a cooling liquid

By arrows in drawings position of marks a move and мin level of a cooling liquid is shown. At the left for 4 and 5-cylinder engines, on the right for the 6-cylinder engine.

Constant check

Despite presence of the indicator of temperature of a cooling liquid/level of a cooling liquid, you do not need to rely exclusively on it, and from time to time to check liquid level in a broad tank in a motor compartment:

  • It is possible to measure level of a cooling liquid precisely only at the idle engine
  • Liquid level in a transparent broad tank is well visible outside and at the closed cover. At the cold engine level should be between marks.
  • At разогретом the engine level, naturally, rises a little.

Addition of a cooling liquid

Appreciable loss of a cooling liquid is a malfunction or breakage sign. The cooling liquid is not spent, and in the closed system of cooling it also cannot evaporate. A little the cooling liquid can be squeezed out to a cover only at an engine overheat.

At constant loss of a cooling liquid it is necessary to check up cooling system on tightness under the scheme described more low in this chapter.

If the carving cover of a broad tank has to be opened at the hot engine, danger of a burn is great – therefore it is necessary to operate with care:

  • Hand in a glove or by means of a rag slowly to open a cover on one turn and to give the chance to an elevated pressure to leave system. Only after that completely to turn off a cover.
  • If to add only дистилированную water gradually you will dilute cooling liquid, therefore whenever possible at once it is necessary to add a little the concentrated nonfreezing liquid – antifreeze.
  • It is not necessary to add above a mark max (the previous section see); the cooling liquid extends at heating, and surplus evaporates from system.
  • You can add a small amount of a liquid in a broad tank both at cold, and at разогретом the engine.
  • At considerable loss of a liquid and the hot engine it is impossible to add cold water in a broad tank. Because of a cold shock the head of the block of cylinders can be deformed or burst the block of cylinders.

Cooling liquid

In cooling system pure water, and a mix from the antifreeze including the additives protecting from freezing and corrosion, and дистилированной waters circulates not. Therefore it is better to speak about a cooling liquid or cooling means. The mixing proportion makes for the European conditions 2:3, for northern countries 1:1.

 The engine
Protection against freezing to temperature
4,2 l
3,5 l
2,8 l
3,5 l
4,8 l
4,0 l
3,2 l
4,0 l
4,4 l
5,5 l
6,6 l
5,5 l

Same important as protection against freezing, is protection against corrosion. It prevents occurrence in system of cooling of a scum, a rust and other products of corrosion. Therefore the cooling means poured in a workshop with protection against corrosion does not need to be merged in the spring, and it is necessary to leave all year long in cooling system. In workshops Audi own protection frame from freezing G 11 V8 B is applied. The manufacturer supposes also application of other marks carrying a designation agrees TL VW 774 B.