Audi 80/Avant (B4)

Audi 80/Avant
- The description
   The chassis
   15-inch wheels
   Brake system
   Passive safety
   Full drive
   Distributive Torsen-differential
   Dynamics of movement at a dry road covering
   Instructions on operation for all-wheel drive cars
   Blocking of differential of the back bridge
   Motor compartment
   Regular servicing
   The workplace organisation
   Lubricant works
   The oil expense
   Correct choice of engine oil
   Replacement of engine oil and the oil filter
   Check of level of a working liquid of the amplifier of a wheel
   Check of level of oil of a mechanical transmission
   Check of level of oil in a drive of the back bridge
   The control of level ATF in an automatic transmission
   Check of level of oil in the main transfer of an automatic transmission
   Replacement ATF
   Greasing тросовых drives, hinges and locks
System of release of the fulfilled gases
Cooling system
Fuel tank and the fuel pump
The air filter and intake channels
Injection system
Transmission and transmission
Suspension bracket and steering
Brake system
Antiblocking system of brakes
Wheels and tyres
body electrosystem
Ignition system
Signalling devices
Devices and auxiliary devices
Heating and ventilation
Body elements
Search of malfunctions

Regular servicing

Reliability and safety are inconceivable without leaving and servicing. Otherwise it is not necessary to be surprised to problems with the car. Where and when it is necessary to spread straws, it is written in detailed instructions on the servicing, made Audi.

Maintenance service terms

For ours Audi 80 operate following instructions on servicing:

  • Checkup with simultaneous check on toxicity of the fulfilled gases – once a year.
  • Checkup with additional works each 30 000 and 60 000 passed km.
  • Oil replacement if in a year the car takes place more than 15 000 km, thereby exceeding a year interval of checks. For those who runs in a year the big run (more than 15 000 km), and for carrying out of regular checks uses repair trucks, there can be adverse "crossings". At 20 000 km a year oil replacement should be spent already before year check. For this purpose, who passes of 25 000 km in a year, it is better to spend 30 000-kilometre check after the expiration of a year interval. Well, and those who all does itself, can solve necessarily as when they wish to make.
  • Each two years it is necessary for drivers Audi to replace a brake liquid.

The plan of independent servicing

The plan of servicing considered in this management is based on recommendations Audi also, and the sequence of separate points has been made specially for those who all likes to do.

Who can perform works?

Warranty service

Almost on servicing Audi 80 you can execute all works independently. The traffic light of the motorist will specify you thus a correct way:

  • For the motorist the way is free. You can spend this work, having armed with knowledge from this management and by that to save money.
  • Work though is not heavy, but in most cases at you near at hand it can not appear the necessary adaptations.
  • Stop, here start up is better the workshop works. Special tools or devices are necessary. The quantity of spent time does not justify itself because the workshop works much faster or for performance of works a profound knowledge is necessary special, more.

If your car Audi 80 is younger than one year or engine replacement is made, the manufacturer demands, that works on servicing were spent in time in one of firm workshops Audi. Otherwise to you can be refused support even in well-founded guarantee cases. And the one who wishes to enjoy advantages of a guarantee on mobility, should appear once a year at least in a workshop.

Diagnostics in workshop Audi

Often search of malfunctions is the most expensive, for what it is necessary to pay under the account in a workshop, – especially when it is a question of the phenomena arising only from time to time. Therefore that can be more true than check of "nervous communications car in such a way immediately to learn about a problem in all its depth?

Work principle

The numerous blocks of management established in Audi, are capable to independent diagnostics. In it a number can name blocks of management injection system, ignition system (models with the 5-cylinder engine), antiblocking system, EDS (electronic blocking of differential), a pillow of safety or the conditioner. The similar block of management in a condition to diagnose, if the store of malfunctions which is writing down all failures at operation of the car is built in it.

The management block can be connected to diagnostic installation in a workshop by connection to the central tip for connection of the diagnostic centre on the case of the central switching centre of the car.

As it occurs

Correct use of possibilities of interrogation of memory of the store of malfunction should pass so: the driver comes on the Audi to a workshop, and before the beginning of any works the car connect to diagnostic installation. From it unpack the full report of malfunctions in which the data of stores of malfunctions of all blocks of management capable to diagnosing contains.

Testing is spent by the mechanic under the program by means of performance of corresponding instructions on the display. An end result is exact definition of knots and the units which are subject to repair.

Diagnostics of regulating body

Determinative of fast and correct repair is also function of diagnostic installation which Audi names diagnostics of regulating body. The following thus means: electric functions – such as actuating of the relay of the fuel pump, the electromagnetic valve for a tank with the activated coal or the valve of stabilisation of frequency of rotation of a shaft of the engine in a mode single a course, can be connected to diagnostic installation.

Thus it is possible to find out absolutely definitely, whether the reason in defective conducting is covered or the block (its functioning which is not muffled by a sound of work of the engine, is usually well listened) does not function. And it essentially facilitates search of malfunctions.

Interrogation of the store of malfunctions

At maintenance service interrogation of the store of malfunctions is included into volume of carried out works. Thus the workshop can receive representation about possible malfunctions in work of electronic knots of the car, and without asking in detail the client.

The one who is engaged in servicing, can refuse at work this point as he observes of the car in the course of daily operation – that is he should notice possible malfunctions.

Independent diagnostics

Times when autodrivers as it was with фольксвагеновским "bug", could all works on the car execute, definitively have left in the past. But it at all does not mean that independent repair of own car is absolutely impossible. Absolutely on the contrary. It is necessary to change slightly only a method of work and to use the modern technics.

So, for example, results of interrogation of the store of the malfunctions spent by a workshop, it is quite possible to use in work in house conditions. The subsequent example should give to this thought presentation.


  • The 85-strong engine with system of injection Digifant at full loading finds out insufficient capacity. In the artful image, it not all time such weak-willed, but only from time to time
  • As skilled mehniki-fans, we have already checked up the car on the points resulted in this management in section the List of malfunctions of system of injection Digifant.
  • Usually we already for certain have found malfunction, but that fact that it appears only from time to time, complicates search.
  • On this example the clear advantage of the store of malfunctions because it keeps and спорадически arising malfunctions is visible.
  • Result of interrogation of the store of malfunctions: defect of the gauge of angular moving throttle заслонки (leaky contact).

The store of malfunctions of various monitors interrogate by means of this diagnostic device. Thereby it is possible to spend a fast estimation and to diagnose the corresponding block of management and its information gauges. Besides, the information containing in the store of malfunctions, it is possible to erase by means of this device.

In the block of safety locks (the central switchboard) there are plug connections (on arrows) to which it is possible to connect diagnostic device V-A-G 1551.